Pen simplifies divisional structure

Pen Underwriting has simplified its regional structure to create a single commercial UK and Ireland division that will offer property, casualty, fleet and financial lines. The change follows Pen’s acquisition of Wexford-based Wrightway Underwriting last year and Richard Webb’s decision to retire as managing director of UK financial lines and specialty liability. Sarah Breslin (pictured) has been named as managing director of the new commercial UK and Ireland division.

Tom Downey, chief executive officer of Pen Underwriting, said: “As a result of bringing Wrightway into the Pen family and establishing our first on-the-ground presence in Ireland, we redoubled our focus on how best to grow and expand our business on a more regional basis across the UK and Ireland.

“Richard’s decision to hang up his ‘work boots’ gave rise to a natural opportunity to create a more unified commercial division that brings together all our complementary risk management and underwriting specialisms.”

Pen now has four trading divisions: commercial – UK and Ireland; SME and personal lines; international; and public sector.

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