Beazley reports full-year results for 2024

Beazley plc has reported a profit of approximately £1.1bn for the year ended 31st December 2024. This was up from £980m in the previous year. It said net insurance written premiums totalled £4.8bn, up from £4.4bn in 2023. The carrier said its undiscounted combined ratio for 2024 was 79%, a deterioration of five percentage points on the preceding year.

Adrian Cox, chief executive officer at Beazley, said: "I am delighted with what our company has achieved amidst a challenging claims environment, including an active hurricane season.

“This robust performance enables a share buyback of $500m [£390m] as well as an ordinary dividend rebase to 25p, which is a 76% increase. We remain well capitalised to take advantage of growth opportunities in an evolving market and sustain our strong financial performance over the long term.”

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