Pen Underwriting has taken Box 393 at Lloyd’s which will be manned by marine underwriters, providing brokers with support in placing complex marine risks in areas including brown water hull, war risk and ports and terminals liability. Pen said it has plans to expand the box’s activities into complimentary and additional lines of business.
Chris Goddard, co-managing director of marine at Pen Underwriting, said: “We are proud to take our place on the trading floor of Lloyd’s. As a team of specialist underwriters, dedicated to offering international insurance protection in a particularly traditional market like marine, our desire to simplify the way business is transacted has driven us since launch.
“While that simplification often means investment in innovative technology, it also means making sure in-person trading is readily accessible when needed. Box 393 enables all our niche marine underwriters to come together in one place for brokers and to be on hand to discuss and place complex risks.”