Apollo Syndicate Management Ltd has launched the first captive Lloyd’s syndicate under the market’s revised captive syndicate model. Apollo has launched captive syndicate 1100 in partnership with a global client.
David Ibeson, group CEO of Apollo, said: “Establishing the first captive syndicate is a great achievement for our client, Apollo, and our industry. We are extremely proud of this milestone and the way in which it reinforces Apollo’s reputation for the delivery of market-leading innovation at Lloyd’s.”
Dawn Miller, commercial director at Lloyd’s, added: “We are delighted to welcome Captive Syndicate 1100, which is the first syndicate to be launched under Lloyd’s revised captive syndicate model.
“As part of our ongoing work to provide specialist risk solutions for our customers, we have sought to align our captive structure with the needs of third parties seeking access to operational benefits through Lloyd’s global insurance expertise, licence network and financial strength ratings. We look forward to welcoming further businesses to our captive platform in the near future.”